It's of interest to everyone to live as well as they can and as frugally as they can (and as environmentally friendly as they can). I am interested in living as cheaply as I can without sacrificing health or the environment in doing so. In fact I want to include all three componants in my day to day life and get myself out of the consumer driven mentality as much as possible. So, toward that end I'm starting a collection of links that will aid us in that goal.
Being Mean as Hell
Frugal Living in the UK (If you don't live in the UK most of the advice still applies ;)
University of Illinois Extention for Urban Living Lots of good stuff on living on a budget and container gardening, etc
Bella Online Frugal Living Site I really like this site. Informative and it leads to dozens of other good sites on frugal living.
Thrifty Fun Great Content!
Frugal and Fashion Good site!!!! My fave so far. But, I'll keep looking ;)
Frugal Village Another good one. It looks like others have had the same idea as me! This is a good thing. This site also covers the concept of homesteading, which I'm also interested in.
This link will hopefully change from time top time as will all the other links. As I explore, I'll remove or add links as the fancy strikes me. As always, suggestions are appreciated <3