Sunday, August 27, 2006

Ground Up Democracy

Random thought of the day...

Democracy is built from the ground up, yet America is run from the top down, with our president, congressfolk, courts, and big corporate media all telling us how America is and what, exactly, we need in order to be prosperous.

What's up with that?

Here are some questions to ask ourselves:

Are we involved in our local communities, or do we shut ourselves up at home at night?

Are we more aware of local politics or national politics?

What are the names of our neighbors?

Does TV replace good conversation?

A related question would be - when we talk to our friends do we talk to them on the cell phone even if they are right in front of us?*

Do we feel powerless to effect change?

If we have trouble answering these questions then we may have to admit that we don't have as much of a democracy as we once thought. If we don't what can we do about it?

I'm going to put this post on the side link board so I can put more questions up. Please, feel free to leave comments on suggested questions!!

*On NPR the other day I listened to this story of 2 college women talking on their cells. At one point they looked up and found that they were passing each other. One said to the other,

"Oh, there you are. I'm talking to you as I'm passing you. Helloooo!"

as she passed her. She didn't stop and hold any part of the conversation with her friend face to face. They both just kept walking and talking on their cells without even taking them time to hug each other or acknowledge their unplugged existance face to face. Wow!

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